Your pain & discomfort have hidden information.

Decode Your Body’s Signals

Healing for Chronic Pain

& Digestion Distress

"I had a lot of chronic pain and odd reactions to medications, so many standard medical solutions just didn't feel safe to me. Now, I'm stronger and more at ease with my body. I've discovered ways to help my body be its own chiropractor. I'm no longer scared to go up against things that previously would have been a limit for my body."


Empower Your Healing

The mission at Endeavor Health & Chiropractic (EHC) is to empower patients to find their unique solutions. Patients learn to connect into their bodies, to see patterns in their pain and discomfort as places for potential change rather than stuck points. Every signal from your body provides an opportunity for growth. Patients working with Dr. Julie learn that she is a guide to understanding rather than someone with all the answers.

Whether you're here for adjusting or nutrition, your solution will meet you where you are: your body, your lifestyle, and your experience.

“Before I started working with Dr. Julie, I was struggling with very frequent headaches (every other day) which was affecting my energy level as a teacher and busy mom. A friend recommended Dr. Julie and I was very interested because I wanted to get to the root of my headaches, not just cover them up. I’ve been seeing Julie for a couple of years now and my biggest celebration is that my headaches are way less frequent. To anyone who is experiencing any type of chronic pain, have an open mind and give Dr. Julie a try - you have nothing to lose.”


Unwind Your Body

Adjusting at EHC is less about moving bones and more about having conversations with your body. Specifically, you learn to connect pain and discomfort in one part of your body to similar places throughout your body; adjusting the knee really does involve connecting it to your hip and neck bones. As patients become aware of their patterns, they learn to unwind themselves from simple stressors and are able to delve into deeper patterns with Dr. Julie.

Much of adjusting is done with gentle pressure and stretch of soft tissues like muscle, fascia, and tendons. When adjusting joints is called for, Dr. Julie uses chiropractic adjusting tools or drop-pieces.

“That night I did my yoga routine and was shocked at how I was now able to breathe deeply through every pose multiple times. I have never had that experience before. I have done the poses, but never could do the breath work.  I continue to do the breath work. My body feels quite different.”


Nourish Your Body

Nutrition at EHC is about finding healing energies (foods, supplements, essential oils, etc.) that work best for you. No two patients use the same healing guide because of differences in biochemistry, microbiome, and taste. The goal of nutrition work is two-fold: First, create healing guides tailored to a patient and their specific needs. Second, help patients increase their body awareness so they know when they need an update or something new. Taken together, experienced patients have a library of healing energies that they can call upon to match their bodies’ signals.

There Are Many Ways to Work with Dr. Julie.

Want to Become A New Patient?

Breathe   Connect   Transform

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